Hi there and welcome to my day of housework and graduation preparation!
I had a very early start today at 5.30am to head out on the ocean to catch some lobsters! We caught 4 in total which will make a very very lovely dinner. Today was the first time I had ever been out that far in the ocean and the water was just gorgeous... A clear deep blue just like the movies...
After that I sent everyone off to work and school and took on the role as housekeeper. I completed the following chores:
- a mount everest of dishes
- three loads of washing
- tending to the puppies/dogs
- ironed 28 seat covers for my sister's graduation
- and over all tidied up
I am an angel daughter...
It is my little sister's graduation from primary school tomorrow! So I lending a helping hand in setting it all up today in the theme of 'fire and ice' and it looks pretty great!
My sister, Mae, it pretty pumped for her graduation! We tested out some hair styles and it is so unfair because she has THEE most amazing hair ever... She is going to look so fantastic tomorrow!
I'll definitely be posting pictures, so stay tuned!
I also got a job today as a bartender which will be interesting... But we shall see how it goes I guess!
Lastly, I want to mention that I love cricket. And today was an extremely sad day for the cricket world with the passing of 25 year old, Phillip Hughes. Such a tragic loss of someone so young and so passionate.
Rest in peace Hughes.
kisses, ebb xxx