Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Day 2 - Dream interpretation

Hi there and welcome to my blog.

Today I was attacked AGAIN by the bird and it's really stressful knowing that every time I leave my house a bird is going to swoop and peck the sh*t outta my hair!

Anyway... I left the house for an eye appointment so I am now fully equipped with new seeing glasses, sunglasses and contact lenses. I loooove them all! Especially the contacts since I can now see everything even in my peripherals. Yay!

Thankfully this went smoothly because last night in my dream, the appointment didn't go so great... 

The 3 main things you need to know about my dream to get the gist:
1. I got to my appointment and there was thousands of people there pushing and shoving
2. I remembered that I forgot to wear my contact lenses to the appointment which was a MUST
3. I went to put them in my eye but they were SO big that they were just stabbing my eye lid

So when I woke up I thought, "lets get this interpreted!", because I never usually remember my dreams.
My best friend is really into all this dream interpretation and psychics and stuff so I like to give her the benefit of the doubt by using 

Aspect number 1: Appointment
"To dream that you are going to an appointment suggests that you need to be more goal-oriented. If you dream that you miss an appointment, then it indicates that you are not paying enough attention to some minor details and little things in life."

Aspect number 2: Pushing 
"To dream that you are pushed or being pushed suggests that you are being coerced into doing something. You are facing a lot of pressure. Alternatively, the dream implies that you do not have enough time to complete a task. You strive for perfection."

Aspect number 3: Contact lenses
"To see or wear contact lens in your dream suggests that you need to focus on the task at hand. You need to pay closer attention to a situation before acting on it. If you have difficulties putting on your contact lens in your dream, then it indicates that you are having trouble paying attention."

First of all, I like to think I am a very goal-oriented person, thank-you very much! Secondly, these claims are so far-reaching it's almost ridiculous... 

Although, the part about having trouble paying attention in my life is currently totally relatable...

But yes, if you wanna share your dreams or stories about contact lenses or suggestions on how to GET RID OF THIS GOD DAMN BIRD, please, please comment!

See you tomorrow!

kisses, ebb xxx

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