Thursday, 20 November 2014

Day 9 - Rooftop cinema

Hi there and welcome to my post about yesterdays experience at the rooftop cinema!

I didn't get the chance to post about it yesterday because it ended up being quite a late night. Well, later than I intended, that's for sure!

Earlier in the day I studied up on all my business law cases so I made some good progress!

I headed into the city to meet up with my friend, Billie. She works at the rooftop cinema and it was her night off so we got complimentary entry, drinks and food! The pizza and cider went down a treat!

The movie was Skeleton Twins with Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader and it was a very strange and heavy movie to me. I don't really have too much to say about the movie, purely because Billie and I spent virtually the entire movie catching up. 

But the set up of the cinema was so amazing! It was really quirky and cute with multiple colourful caravans as the food and drink stalls. 

It was like a mini carnival amongst the skyscrapers. 

If you want to check out more about it click here for all their info! Totally recommend the experience to everyone.

Afterwards we headed to Billie's favourite bar called Frisk which was really nice and chilled and I met some cool people.

I caught Uber home since Perth people get to enjoy 5 free rides this week! All Perth people should definitely take advantage of this service this week, check it out.

This was the first time I had gone out for a while now and I had so much fun. It was nice to blow off some steam!

It is so exciting to realise that I'll be home in just one weeks time! Soaking up the sun, ocean and mum's food... Now that's the life!

Hope you guys have had a good week and have a fabulous weekend!

kisses, ebb xxx

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